Treat your employees WELL.
Inquire about RSI and Injury prevention corporate event workshops.
a DIY massage workshop specifically for those with desk jobs
Next Workshop Date: TBA
Time: 5:30PM
Investment: $40
Location: TBA
What to bring: yourself, any beverage you like (loose leaf tea will be provided)
How to Book: email Candice first to reserve your spot at
Hands on, in- person instruction of a routine you can use to effectively release your own muscle tension. Massage techniques focus on the upper body muscles that are especially stressed due to computer/desk work. It's meant to be fun, inspirational and useful for you between your regular massage treamtents!
Massage Workshop
In person instruction. Learn to give an amazing seated massage!
You will learn a very approachable, 20 minute routine to offer a partner. Many of the techniques are based in traditional Indian Head massage. Everyone can do this! Great to attend with a friend or a partner- It's a fun and informative workshop for all!